
How to Read and Create a Libanomancy DND Chart

Libanomancy dnd chart, or divination through incense smoke interpretation, is an ancient art practiced since Ancient Greece. By studying different shapes, sizes, and shades of smoke from incense, you can interpret your query’s results more accurately and gain clarity into any obstacles along your spiritual journey. Don’t worry if this is something new for you; our step-by-step guides will walk you through creating your chart while keeping focus on answering your query and how best to interpret its answer.

Things You Should Keep in Mind

When creating a chart of libanomancy, be sure to focus on your question. Incense is burned across a piece and then used to interpret its smoke for answers.

If the smoke is rising vertically and straight up, expect an affirmative answer; otherwise, expect to receive a negative answer.

White smoke symbolizes purity, while black smoke signifies negative energy and grey smoke stands for neutrality.

What is Libanancy (Libanomancy)?

Libanancy, also referred to as Livanomancy Knissomancy or just smoke divination, dates back to Mesopotamia during the Old Babylonian period (2000 BCE up to 1500 BCE). Libanancy involves reading incense smoke for divine insights regarding an issue or situation as well as meditation purposes and invoking spirit guides.

How to Create a Libanomancy Chart?

Before beginning your libanomancy diagram creation or reading experience, gather all necessary supplies. Incense, an incense holder, and a water bowl (including paper) should all be present for optimal performance of this exercise. Be sure to conduct it in an environment without airflow or drafts to ensure maximum concentration on this task.

Be sure to choose a bowl that fits comfortably into your palm, and check that your incense burner works correctly before use.

Put a towel beneath a window or door to keep drafts from entering and also turn off air cooling.

Select Your Question

This step allows you to formulate any inquiry you wish, although “yes or no” queries tend to work best. Perhaps you want to know whether it will be possible for you to land the job that has been applied for; whether an ex-partner will return; or whether your spiritual path is taking the right course.

Arrange Your Thoughts

Take deep and invigorating breaths to ease yourself into relaxation mode, with an open mind ready to accept both good and bad results from an experience. Keep focused on the topic at hand without being distracted by thoughts from outside sources

To prepare, ignite the incense

Let it burn for several seconds before exhaling, placing it within its incense holder, keeping a bowl of water nearby, and keeping your question/task in mind at all times.

Paper should be submerged in water for some seconds in a shallow dish before placing it flat against the direction of burning incense.

As incense burns quietly in the background, focus your mind on your question and allow your mind to explore any potential solutions. After some time has passed, take off the paper and observe any patterns created by the smoke that have emerged as possible responses

How to Interpret a Libanomancy Chart?

Smoke Patterns When reading libanomancy, smoke patterns reveal much about your life or journey. Your ability to interpret them will reveal whether you’re heading toward success or likely to encounter obstacles along the way. Here are a few commonly seen patterns and their interpretations:

Smoke Spirals Reflect Your Spiritual Development If the smoke spiral is ascending upward, that indicates progress while if it turns downward that could indicate chaos and instability in your life.

Circles When your goals are underway and progress is underway, you can expect results to emerge soon.

Smoke trails in two places: This could be an indicator of being at an impasse, so you need to decide the direction in which you travel.

Clotting Smoke that closes up is a sign of success; however, if it breaks apart with more smoke remaining behind then issues could be encountered.

Direction of SmokeThe direction that the smoke is blowing indicates how quickly manifestation will happen for you.

Here are some examples:

Straight upward progression:

This indicates positive signals or “yes.”

Cracked Flame:

When the flame splits or fails to rise as planned, it symbolizes challenges or “no.”

Travels downward:

When smoke moves downward or stays near the center of incense, this indicates an alteration to your route.

Smoke blows either to the left or right:

If it blows toward the right, you will succeed and be victorious; otherwise, it could challenge or undermine you and lead to failure or defeat.

Blows against your face:

This could be a telltale sign that something or someone is coming your way or is considering you as their target.

Your manifesto does not resonate:

This could indicate either that someone is trying to discredit you or that your work needs more work to be successful.

Smoke PatternsUneori, certain shapes, numbers, or symbols in the smoke could indicate your query – these should usually be personalized based on what it means for you, so trusting your gut as to the answer should help provide it. There are general interpretations available as guides:


Numbers can often represent the number of days remaining until an event or manifestation takes place, as well as serve as a date marker.

Symbolism of Infinity:

Infinity symbols often portend significant change that will likely be positive.

Sharp Items:

If you see anything sharp like knives, forks, or tridents it could be an indicator of potential danger. Make sure your safety is assured by applying a protection spell and carrying an obsidian stone that absorbs negative energy.

Size for Smoke

The dimensions and thickness of smoke indicate how intense an event or feeling will be.

Thicker and larger clouds indicate the significance of an event or emotional intensity.

Thin, smoke-like puffs could indicate that something minor or subtle has taken place, like an unexpected event or feeling.

Incense smoke could take on various shades: from black to white and even grey.

White represents purity.

Black symbolizes negativity or evilness.

Grey signifies neutrality.

Speed of Smoke

The rate at which smoke is released through incense represents the intensity of an event.

Smoke that slowly spreads symbolizes a calm and relaxing atmosphere, as well as signifying that an event will likely happen shortly.

Smoke that rapidly disseminates creates an engaging ambiance and an anticipated climax that is expected to arrive shortly.

As well as practicing meditation, become grounded. Meditating before reading can help clear away mental clutter and connect to your inner self. Start grounding yourself by visualizing roots spreading out from your body into the earth. Keep a journal of libanomancy. Keeping track of observations, readings, and interpretations in an informal diary format will enable you to keep an eye out for patterns that recur and identify personal meanings over time.[15Ask advice from experienced practitioners. You could seek guidance from books or workshops as well as fellow practitioners to expand your understanding of libanomancy while continually honing interpretation skills.

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